Owner: Upper Adams School District
Location: Biglerville, PA
Delivery Method: Hybrid / Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement
Project Size: 333,800 SF
Project Cost: $10,733,634
Annual Savings: $763,005
Upper Adams School District was facing a growing list of deferred maintenance items along with a need to reprogram the grade distribution across their elementary schools. The plan they were considering was $10 million over budget and didn’t address any of the deferred maintenance.
McClure Company was engaged by the District through a competitive RFP solicitation. The District had a strict budget that the design team needed to work within. Our solution included a twelve-classroom addition, a gymnasium addition, and a repurposing of the existing multi-purpose room into a cafeteria. The list of deferred maintenance items in their three other schools was also addressed. This was all done within the District’s $20 million budget and without affecting the school’s normal operation.
Facility Improvement Measures